To Whom It May Concern,
As a solo practitioner in Owings Mills, Maryland, I have been utilizing the services of Best Dental Studio for over 20 years. During this time, I have experienced excellent clinical results when placing fixed restorations fabricated by David Boteach, and the rest of the staff at the Lab.
As digital technology has advanced, the Lab has invested in the instrumentation to continue to produce the highest quality restorations. Re-makes of cases are practically non-existent.
The Lab fee schedule is competitive and reasonable, and restorations are delivered on time. David, Brandon, or any of the other technicians are always available either by phone or personal appointment to assist with any questions or concerns about cases.
Rachel does a fantastic job keeping the Lab operating efficiently, and seeking out the most cost- effective materials, passing on the savings to her clients.
Best Dental Studio also actively seeks to educate it’s prescribing dentists on advances in dentistry by providing several continuing education classes throughout the year.
By providing excellent restorations, on-time, at a reasonable fee, with personal attention, and unsurpassed customer service, I am happy to endorse Best Dental Studio, and I am glad to have been a client, and now a friend, of the lab for all of these years. I recommend that you give them a try!
Harry D. Snydman, DDS
Owings Mills, MD